See how we help Organizations
Fast-track their Digital Journey
Here’s a quick montage to help you get a peek into exactly how we help enterprises elevate their business outcomes, cut costs, wipe away inefficiency and get future-proof with technology.
Banking & Financial
A financial enterprise integrates its Netsuite ERP and Salesforce CRM to move its business forward.
A leading financial enterprise providing funds to businesses achieves Salesforce and NetSuite integration effectively and affordably.
A global healthcare organization implements Cloud-based RA Process Automation Tool to eliminate inefficiencies and processing delays.
A global healthcare organization successfully implements cloud-based Regulatory Affairs (RA) Process Automation tool.
A prominent US-based global educational institute streamlines student application processes and gains clear visibility with Salesforce.
A prominent US-based global educational institute streamlined end-to-end management of student application processes while also providing visibility of all data in a single location.
A global supplier of medical products enhances sales efficiency and effectiveness with Sales Cloud and Oracle DRM implementation.
A global supplier of medical products successfully implemented Sales Cloud and Oracle DRM for an enhanced sales efficiency and effectiveness.
An innovative consulting firm improves customer engagement with WordPress Salesforce integration.
E-Connect helped a business consulting firm in successful integration of WordPress with Salesforce for enhanced customer engagement and Intelligent Data Automation.
A leading global construction enterprise automated and standardized its quoting process with Salesforce CPQ implementation.
E-Connect upgraded its existing Salesforce environment and introduced an automated and standardized quoting process with Salesforce CPQ implementation.
Kitchen & Bath Products
A leading supplier of quality kitchen and bath products leverages Service Cloud to improve visibility and enhance customer satisfaction.
A 40-year-old, leading supplier of quality kitchen and bath products improved the visibility of its centralized customer data and customer satisfaction levels by leveraging the benefits of Service Cloud.
A leader in the Cloud Data Integration space upgrades its NetSuite and Salesforce app integration.
E-Connect rewrote all Java code from ground up based on best practices to ensure error free data transfer between NetSuite and Salesforce.
A leading manufacturer of electronics achieves successfully migrates from Teradata to Snowflake.
E-Connect helps a leading provider of software and hardware solutions to build an enterprise-wide global integrated reporting platform leveraging its world-class Financial and Inventory BI services.
A leading manufacturer of electronics achieves successfully migrates from Teradata to Snowflake.
E-Connect handled a successful end-to-end migration from Teradata to Snowflake for a leading electronics test and measurement equipment and software manufacturer.
A leading game publisher achieves better data governance with a single Data Management Platform.
E-Connect developed attribute cleansing mechanisms for products. It built a robust Data Management Platform with a high performance UI for improved business operations and decision-making efficiency.
A world-leading enterprise software and IoT solution company builds a robust Reporting Platform for real time decision-making.
Data sources include Multiple ERP – Oracle, SAP, JDE, 3rd party data. E-Connect helped the company build a single enterprise-wide reporting platform for Self Service and real-time decision-making.
A multinational financial and retail technology company builds a robust Operational Reporting Platform for scenario analysis and planning.
E-Connect conducted multiple CRP sessions to capture dashboards and metrics. This helped the client articulate the business requirements and finalize the “Enterprise KPI & Performance Management” framework.
A manufacturer of photovoltaic products improves manufacturing quality by leveraging the power of AI and Machine Learning.
E-Connect built a data lake and pipelines to collect, cleanse and transform data from various sources and delivered three different machine learning models with over 95% accuracy.
Start Your Digital Transformation Journey Today
Like them, you too can maximize returns on your technology investments with our world-class IT consulting and advisory services.